Buying or selling, you'll get personal, expert service from the professionals at Palmer Hampton.
Interested in planning an auction?
Doug Hampton, Principal Auctioneer
An auctioneer since 1973, Doug has conducted hundreds of auctions in Harrison and surrounding counties, where he is well-known and respected for his blend of professionalism, knowledge and good humor. From large farm properties to modest estates to farm machinery and personal property, Doug has decades of experience and a dedicated auction team that will help you get top dollar for your property.
Planning Your Auction
The first step of any auction is a consultation between the seller and auctioneer about what to sell and where and when to sell it. We will guide you through decisions such as an appropriate date, inventory list, advertising plans and set-up plans
By auction day, the details will be under control and you will be ready to relax and let the Palmer Hampton auction team take care of the rest. And when the auction is over you’ll receive a settlement packet including itemization of sales, commission, expenses (i.e. advertising, labor, misc.) and, of course, your check!