Saturday October 3, 2020 | 10:02 am
On the premises: 254 Sylvandell Road, Cynthiana, KY 41031
Directions: From Cynthiana take KY Hwy 392 for approximately 7 miles to Sylvandell Road. Auction signs will guide you to site.
David and Paulette Klein have sold their farm and are offering for sale at Absolute Auction this outstanding collection of farm machinery. This machinery has been given the best of care. Come to see for yourself because auctions this outstanding are rare. Don’t miss this auction!!
TERMS: Cash or good check. No Buyer’s Premium
Lunch will be available from Geno Arnold’s Nearly World Famous Cookshack BBQ!!
2014 Kubota 9960 tractor, 608 hours, Quicke Q31 loader, bale spear and bucket
2005 Massey Ferguson 1533 tractor, 1442 hours, added rear remote
Massey Ferguson 1328 disc mower
Bush Hog 35-07 6 foot blade
Ferguson plow, 2 bottom
New Holland 451 sickle mower plus 2 sickles
New Holland 465 high capacity square baler
Disk harrow, 7 foot, 3 point hitch
Kory 6072 wagon with 20 foot top
Massey Ferguson 12 foot wagon
Wingfield 3 point chain drag 7 feet wide x 5 feet long, with stand
BCS 716 tiller, 18 inch, Briggs and Stratton industrial engine
Central Pneumatic 29 gallon compressor
Coleman Black Max 5 gallon compressor, 125 psi
North Star 13 kw generator on 3 point stand
Honda EM5000S generator
Huskee 28 ton log splitter with Honda engine
M101A2 3/4-ton military trailer with cover
Pintle hitch receiver
GMax 4500 paint sprayer with Honda engine
Pallet jack
Floor jack
Utility trailer from Ford Ranger bed
Calico 12 foot gooseneck stock trailer
Starlite 16 foot dovetail bumper pull trailer with ramps
Pequea TT4100 Tedder
Rockwell band saw HP6025
Ryobi AP-10 planer
Delta table saw
Two 250-gallon fuel tanks with FillRite pumps
Feed troughs - some with hay racks
Stock tanks
Miscellaneous gates
Horse hay rings
50 foot tower
Two cast iron kettles with stands
Two wheelbarrows
Firewood: 15 bents 2’x5’x6’
Fence panels
Chain link pen 10’x10’x5’ high
Mower/ATV high lift
Hose reel cart with hoses
Many smaller items too numerous to mention
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