Antiques | Farm Machinery | Household • November 21, 2015
Personal Property
Directions: Take US Hwy. 62E to Oddville, turn right on Hwy. 3003 (Beaver Baptist Pike), at the church turn left on Duckworth Pike.
Maryanna Robinson has authorized us to sell at auction the following farm machinery and personal property items:
Farm Machinery: Kubota M5030 Tractor & plastic cab enclosure, 2450 hours, Bushhog, steel horse trailer w/living quarters, amphibious 6-wheeler
Tools/Shop/Outdoor Items: Chainsaw, table saw, jigsaw, 410 rifle, 12 ga. shotgun, BB/pellet gun, large gun safe, hunters vest & cab, wood stove, Old Town canoe, porch rockers, patio/picnic tables & chairs, (3) dog houses, 10x10 dog pen dolly, propane burner and canisters, (4) stock tanks & heaters,
(3) industrial shelving units, sawhorses, seeder, wheelbarrow, toolbox, misc. hand tools, shovels, rakes, hoe, axes, post hole digger, weed eater, tree trimmer, saddle/misc. tack, and other items too numerous to list.
Household/Furniture: Queen mahogany 4-poster bed frame, wicker fan chair, (4) 7’ mahogany bookcases, drop-leaf dining table w/4 folding chairs, mahogany bar w/marble top (new), stack washer-dryer, microwave, dorm size refrigerator, 2 electric oil radiator heaters, assorted kitchenware, cookware and stemware, Kitchen Aid mixer, Spode (Gainesborough & Christmas Tree) china, Mikasa English Chintz china, household linens, lamps, books, paintings/prints, 1960’s American Tourister & other luggage, cookbooks, 2 small wood file cabinets w/desktop, 2 bar stools, coffee table, mirror, board games, office supplies, and many other items too numerous to list.
Antiques: Primitive drop-front desk, round oak table, several kitchen & work tables, piano bench, walnut dining room table w/4 leaves, milking stool, walnut wine rack, copper tubs, dressing table, patchwork quilts, dressing table, sewing machine base, mirrored armoire doors, underbed storage box, ironing board, cane bottom dining/desk chairs, full-size iron bed, dressing table, picture frames, pottery, black iron cookware, china, copper planter, collectors jars/bottles, blue mason jars, brass condiment dish, old tobacco bed burner, primitive table, primitive church pews, tobacco baskets, 2 very old wood tool boxes, razor strap.
Terms: Cash or good check.